go trojans!
Thornapple Kellogg High School
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 10.0 months ago @ 1:32PM
2023-24 Trojan High School Sports Practice/Try-outs
The TK Trojan HS Winter Sports information is now available.
Final Forms Registration/Physicals
Before a student-athlete can try out or participate in practice, a TK student-athlete and guardian(s) are required to update or register in Final Forms on a yearly basis. Final Forms helps to streamline the process of digitally enrolling student-athletes so they are able to participate in TK Athletics. Please make sure to check out the link to our Final Forms Information on our website that explains the registration process. The payment for participation can be processed in Final Forms as well.
TK Final Forms Registration Page - https://tktrojanathletics.org/main/otherad/contentID/48839196
Along with updating or registering with Final Forms, the MHSAA requires a physical examination to have been completed after April 15th of 2023. If the last physical examination occurred before this date, it is not valid and the student-athlete will be required to have an examination completed before they are allowed to physically participate in their sport tryout or practice.
Note: student-athletes need to attend tryouts to be considered for the final team selection.
Boys Basketball
Tryouts start Monday, November 13th
Times: FR 3:00-5:00 pm M-W
JV 3:00-5:00 pm M-W
V 3:00-5:00 pm Monday (Tuesday-Wednesday 5:00-7:00 pm)
Location: HS Gyms
Contact: garberp@mail.gvsu.edu
Girls Basketball
Tryouts start Monday, November 20th through Wednesday, November 22nd
Times: F/JV - 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm
V- 2:45 pm -4:45 pm
Location: HS Gyms
Contact: brandijamestk@gmail.com
Boys and Girls Bowling
Tryouts start Monday, November 13th
Times: 2:45 pm Bus Leaves HS South Parking Lot - Drop ONLY - Parent PIckup Required Daily
Practices: 3:15pm - 5:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Location: Hastings Bowl
Contact: coop2205@att.net
Competitive Cheer
Tryouts are Monday, November 6th and Tuesday, November 7th.
Times: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Location: HS Cheer Balcony - Wear a black t-shirt!
Parent Meeting: MANDATORY November 8th @ 6:45 pm.
Contact: tkcoach.lu@gmail.com
Boys Swim and Dive
Practice starts Monday, November 20th
Times: 7:00-8:30 pm (Parent/Swimmer Meeting - Monday, October 30th, 5:30 pm - TKHS Room 403)
Location: Grandville HS Pool
Contact: coachdjswim@yahoo.com
Wrestling Practice starts Monday, November 13th
Times: 2:45 - 4:45
Location: HS Wrestling Balcony
Contact: dfletke@tkschools.org
Boys Hockey
Tryouts started Monday, October 30th
Times: M - 4:20-5:50 pm / Tu - 4:10-5:30 pm / W - 4:10-5:30 pm
Location: East Kentwood Hockey Arena
Contact: Coach Jeremy Bultema - bultemaj@calschools.org
Boys and Girls Ski - Co-Op with Plainwell
Season Start: Nov. 13, or more likely when the resort opens. Optional off-snow training could
be offered this year.
Times: Once we are on snow, practice times are Mondays 4-6 p.m., Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. All practices are held at Timber Ridge. The conference meets are on Wednesdays at approximately 4:45pm.
Location: TimberRidge Ski Area for practice, TimberRidge for conference
Contact: Head Coach: Stephanie Larson
Asst. Coaches: Rhys VanDemark, Doug Nagel, Chris Gielincki
Steph.c.gage@gmail.com,rhysvdm@gmail.com, nagelbru@sbcglobal.net; clgielin@yahoo.com
PARENT/TEAM PRE-SEASON MEETING: Wednesday, November, 8 , 7PM-8PM
TKHS Room 103